Total Life Changes Testimony: She has lost 9 lbs

“I started my challenge three days after my 41st birthday. Before starting, I knew my mind was in a different space, and I needed a change. I’ve been taking care of my mom since she got hip replacements, and I’m trying my best to restore my relationship with my dad.

My daughter is in her junior year of college, and I’m paying for that, too! So it felt like I was doing 2–4 challenges all at once, on top of being a wife, mom, and nana. After physically getting my mindset all the way together, I knew I had to KILL this challenge for ME! I’m back to ME!

The pressures of the world don’t feel so heavy now. When I talk to people about these products, I tell them that when we say ‘cleanse and replenish,’ we are not just speaking of the products. It’s a total mind, body, and soul thing going on here, cleaning you out from the inside, from head to toe!

I increased my water intake to a gallon a day. I did full-body workouts and cardio, stopped eating red meats, had no food after 7 p.m., and definitely got more sleep.”

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